FUN AVOCADO-BEET DIP | 6 mos+ | 🔥🌈💪🌱
Updated: Aug 17, 2022

Grown ups love to dip and our little ones do too! Dips are an easy way to introduce new flavors into your baby’s diet and boost nutrition. Your little one can use a spoon, steamed veggies (like carrot sticks or pepper strips), toast strips, or even their little hands as a vehicle for dipping. Try this colorful dip recipe, loaded with nutrients babies need to grow and develop well.
DISCLAIMER: Each child has their own development timeline and specific needs. The content below is general information and for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional one-on-one advice. You are responsible for supervising your child’s health and for evaluating the appropriateness of the information below for your child. Please consult your healthcare provider regarding support or advice for your child's well being and health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.
What makes this dip so good for your baby?
Avocado is a great first food option! Naturally soft and high-calorie - babies need to eat high-calorie foods daily.
Beets are one of the best plant sources of choline. Choline is critical for baby's brain development.
Babies and toddlers love “snack foods” by nature. Offering dips can encourage self-feeding, and help your littles get in their fruits and vegetables.
This workshop covers everything you need to know for dealing with gagging, reducing the risk of choking during mealtimes, and offering safe food sizes and shapes to your child.
A super easy and colorful dip for babies and toddlers. Packed full of flavor and healthy fats to keep your baby satisfied at mealtimes or snacks.
Download and print recipe by clicking below ⬇️
Course: Lunch/Dinner/Snack Prep: 10 min Servings: 6 (3/4 cup)
1 ripe avocado, halved, pitted, and peeled
2 small cooked beets (about 2 cups)
1 tsp fresh lime juice
Preparation Steps
1. Coarsely chop the avocado and beets. Place them in a food processor or blender, add the lime juice, and process until smooth. Serve with steamed vegetables for dipping or as a spread on toast or baby crackers, or offer it by the spoon.
Suitable: for the whole family from 6 months old.
Age up: If offering this dip to an older child (12+months) or an adult you may add 1/2 tsp. salt when processing. Taste and add more salt and/or lime juice to taste.
Flavor up:
You may also add a few fresh basil leaves, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, and/or 1/2 garlic clove.
Boost nutrition:
Try adding a tablespoon of flaxseed, chia/hemp seeds. They will add texture, plant protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
Once you have introduced dairy into your baby's diet, you may add a tablespoon of whole plain yogurt to increase the protein content of this recipe. For older babies you may also garnish this dip with a little crumbled feta.
Involving your children:
Under 6+ months: have them watch you prepare; show them how you cut and puree avocado and beets. Tell them the names of the ingredients as you add them to help build baby's vocabulary.
18+ months: show them how to and let them try to cut the avocado and beets with a kids safe plastic knife; show them how to and let them try to puree avocado and beets; show them how to and let them try to add/mix ingredients.
★Save cooking time by buying the precooked, vacuum-packed beets. Look for brands like Love and Melissa's. You may also use canned beets (ideally unsalted or with little sodium 140 mg or less per serving) - make sure to drain and rinse it.
★Because beet is a vegetable high in naturally occuring nitrates, we recommend offering no more than twice a week. Consuming nitrates in excess can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia or ‘blue-baby syndrome’.
★Focus on offering single ingredient foods or very simple recipes (1-3 ingredients) at the early stages - the first 1-2 months of starting solids. You may offer more elaborated recipes on a more occasional basis for babies beginning to eat. This will help your baby get familiar with the natural taste of foods but still getting it "pimped-up" in recipes every once in a while. It will also allow you to expose your baby to a few different foods, and make it easier for you to rule out some possible food allergies or intolerance before you start offering preparations with several ingredients regularly.
🌈 - this recipe contains colorful foods. We recommend including a fruit and/or a vegetable at each meal.
🔥 - this recipe contains high-calorie foods. We recommend including a high-calorie food at each meal.
💪 - this recipe contains iron-rich food. We recommend including iron-rich food at each meal.
🌱 - this recipe is a great choice for plant-based babies.
As always, discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider. This post and this site is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. The materials and services provided by this site are for informational purposes only.
Recipes Symbol Legend
Here in our Food Library we use some symbols or emojis to make it easier for you to find what you need. Listed below are the symbols we use and what they mean.
🔥 - this recipe contains high-calorie food. We recommend including a high-calorie food at each meal.
💪 - this recipe contains iron-rich food. We recommend including iron-rich food at each meal.
🌈 - this recipe contains colorful food. We recommend including a fruit and/or a vegetable at each meal.
🥇 - this recipe contains foods that are a great choice for baby's first food.
🌱 - this recipe is a great choice for plant-based babies.
💩 - this recipe contains food that helps prevent or treat constipation.
🥜 - this recipe contains contains peanuts, a common food allergen.
🍳 - this recipe contains egg, a common food allergen.
🐄 - this recipe contains cow's milk, a common food allergen.
🌾 - this recipe contains contains wheat, a common food allergen.
✳️ - this recipe contains contains soy, a common food allergen.
💮 - this recipe contains sesame seed, a common food allergen.
🌰 - this recipe contains tree nuts, a common food allergen.
🐠 - this recipe contains fish, a common food allergen.
🍤 - this recipe contains shellfish, a common food allergen.
⚠️ - this recipe contains a common choking hazard. Make sure to follow age and preparation guidelines.
★ - tips, tricks, and hacks.